Commercial Design

The Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD / District) Board of Directors was
presented with the American Society of Landscape Architects Southern California
Chapter Merit Award for Sustainable Practices. CVWD received the Award for Phase I of its administrative campus landscape retrofit, which was completed in
The former CVWD landscape included turf and non-efficient plantings. In an effort to demonstrate to the community the ideas and concepts the District promotes, CVWD began the landscape retrofit in 2008 in order to be more water efficient. This retrofit included the removal of high-water use turf and the installation of low-water use turf alternatives and artificial turf; the replacement of
water intensive plants with California natives and low-water use plants; and the installation of a bioswale to capture all runoff and rain to replenish the groundwater basins.
"The Cucamonga Valley Water District has shown itself as a true innovator and leader when it comes to demonstrating water efficiency," commented Richard Krumwiede, President of Architerra Design Group, Inc., the landscape designer on
the CVWD campus retrofit. "This project has many different elements that can be integrated into a residential or commercial site. It is a great example of landscape efficiency for the community."