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The scope of services for this project included a collaborative redesign of the existing facility entry, parking, and surrounding landscaping. A new parking area was redesigned with new walkways, enhanced paving, and a looped decomposed granite trail that leads visitors through various native & drought tolerant gardens. A repurposed fountain was converted to an amphitheater for facility tours and presentations to school field trips. Additional improvement areas include a walkway on the east side of the building and a covered shelter area on the north side of the building.

Towards the South side visitors will be able to find a new recycled concrete raised demonstration garden and an outdoor seating area that invites visitors to learn about water conservation, water harvesting and sustainable horticulture through interpretative signage display panels.

One of the project goals was to preserve the site’s character. Some of the existing hardscape and landscape materials were recycled and relocated. Some of the the existing trees were preserved and drought tolerant plant species were placed within the various demonstration gardens on site.

West Basin Recycling Center


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